70 Yorkville Ave.



The online/social media fitness industry is bullshit– is what I would’ve said if it wasn’t for the shift I see making headway.

Now what exactly is this shift I’m referring to…

It’s the growing narrative of promoting healthy movement and encouraging the adoption of a health mindset that supports the individual holistically.

Being fit and healthy to be a better parent, caregiver, partner, friend, worker, and overall person.

Now don’t get me wrong, there are still far too many quick fixes and fake aesthetics being promoted by fitness influencers, self-proclaimed fitness experts, and the overall social media narrative.

That being said, I truly believe we are moving out of the dark age of the online/social media fitness era. The truth is that a lot of people are starting to call bullshit on the absurd claims being made online and I fucking love it!

I trained my first client at the innocent age of 18. I was a child– a fitness noob just happy to be getting paid decent money to make people sweat.

Despite being relatively clueless and naive, I always had a north star on the kind of fitness and health I wanted to impart to those I trained. I was also very grateful for the trust my clients gave me and always made it clear that my objective is to empower them with the habits of a healthy lifestyle.

Fast forward 17 years and nothing has changed except for being even more passionate about helping people in their fitness journey.

Now that I’m in my mid-30s, married with 2 beautiful kids, and running my own business– health is more important than ever. It’s my first line of defense against the many stressors of life and is what keeps the fire in my belly going strong!

When I first started training I had no idea it would be my profession. I’ve been personal training for nearly half my age and love it more every day. In the process of following my passion, I’ve come to define my beliefs on health as a lifelong commitment you make to yourself to treat your body with respect and care. A never-ending journey that takes effort, patience, and self-compassion.

I know– this isn’t exactly a sexy sell to start your journey, but health and fitness are comprised of so much more than just the sex appeal.

I’ve trained hundreds of clients from many walks of life and different abilities– and at the core of every sexy/vanity fitness goal is a simple want of being happy in one’s body.

The happiness to move freely, confidently, and optimally to experience life joyously with those you love as you get older.

Simply put– People want to MOVE WELL & FEEL GREAT.

Despite being fairly straightforward, it still takes time and effort. It takes commitment. But time you put in now is time you get back when you can keep up with your grandkids in your 70s.

So how do you get started?

Take ownership of your health.

Start living selfishly healthy to be a better parent, caregiver, partner, friend, worker, and overall person.